I recall in the first part. talked about ' preseyle '. ( story intergatora key employees of the future SED ), now published. Chapter Two ' meeting with the boss '. Although, perhaps, properly be called ' The meeting of two bosses '. After all, is the main character - is not vnedrenets Bob ( as I thought at first), CEO of the firm - implementers ( I can not understand how his name is, so I will call him GenVedrenets ).
I am on this subject (in the second chapter ). write a comment. with a number of not very clear to me the issues.
среда, 30 мая 2012 г.
As the decision on ECM- project?
пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.
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On the camera down and phone.
Meeting December 17.
The draw at the mall for his anniversary.
Monument to Peter the Great from the local staff of the Baltic Fleet.
The estate in the Polesie (Kaliningrad region), one of the buildings in the.
Gummi Bears Battle. Dismantling between green and red.
Gummi Bears Battle. King of the Hill.
I thought I'd make a splash for some articles, but not grown together.
Our cat and a pink elephant from a winter trip to Minsk.
Retaking first year of mathematical analysis.